Meditation & Yoga with Melissa Abbott
Experience Sacred and Embodied Journeys within with Melissa Abbott. Yoga Nidras, Non Dual Shaiva Tantra Meditations, 21 Tara Practices, Dakini Dakini Practices with healing singing bowl soundbath with Tambura. Designed to empower the feminine, connect to your pure potentiality, clear your consciousness, process, protect, increase longevity, heal from within, connection, vitality, improve sleep and wellbeing. Using age old visionary meditation techniques from Shaiva Tantra, Yogini, Dakini, Vrajayana Buddhist Sources.
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Awakened Awareness Yoga Nidra Immersion with Sound Bath
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Awakened Awareness Yoga Nidra Immersion with Sound Bath
Recorded Live at Steam House Hot Yoga & Pilates Monday Dec 7, 2021 by Melissa Abbott with Singing Bowl Sound Scape after a Hot Power Vinyasa Class while in Savasana.This Yoga Nidra is a beautiful Awakened Awareness Meditation activating your own enlightened consciousness. Tune into your Awareness Consciousness in this soothing and affirming session taking you out of your thinking mind and experiencing a spacious understanding of your true inner being. Best done, lying down with headphones in a relaxed place. Enjoy
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Vibration of Gratitude Yoga Nidra with Soundbath
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Vibration of Gratitude Yoga Nidra with Singing Bowl Sound Bath
Recorded live at by Melissa Abbott Nov 15, 2021
Yoga Nidra Immersion is a style of guided meditation best done after a Hatha yoga session. Done in a supine position the student is guided to a yogic sleep which allows the physical body and brain to fully relax and restores the nervous system helping the student to fully absorb the physical Asanas. did ne at the end of a Hath Yoga Session.
It is known to be healing for stress, anxiety, insomnia, chronic pain, healing grief and anger, lowering levels of cortisol, cholesterol, endocrine imbalances, and blood pressure.
Melissa Abbott conducts a deeper Inner Yogic Meditative Experience using Crystal Singing Bowls and Gongs as a vibrational sound immersion increasing relaxation restructuring the entire body within. Calming, Detoxifying, and Healing along with a Guided Meditation using 1000 year old Shaiva Tantra techniques and mantras from the Practices of the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra, Keshmahraj’s Revognition Sutras and Abinavagupta’s Tantrasara.
A integrative and blissful experience clearing the subconscious and relieving muscular, emotional, and mental tension.
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Fire Wheel Yoga Nidra Immersion with Singing Bowl Sound Scape
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Recorded Live at Steam House Hot Yoga & Pilates Monday Oct. 25, 2021 by Melissa Abbott with Singing Bowl Sound Scape after a Hot Power Vinyasa Class while in Savasana.
This Yoga Nidra is a beautiful Heart Based Meditation activating the Lunar Left Ida Nadi (relating to inhalation and objects of awareness) , the Central Sushumna Nadi (pure essence nature and Fire), and the Right Solar Pingala Nadi (relating to the exhale and the act of cognition) in a Caduceus meeting point at the base of the heart where all senses merge together creating an intensification/vibration of life energy transforming into a nourishing radiant wheel of Fire that uplifts the practioners natural vitality and transcendence.
Best Practice is to lie or sit quietly, observing yourself, listen to the sound of my voice, headphones are great, relax and enjoy this guided Yoga Nidra.
This is the set up meditation for a much longer practice of the Fire Wheel Meditation Sequence from Abinavagupta’s “ Tantrasara” Chapter 5, a 1000 year old Shaiva Tantra Text of Meditation Practices from Kashmir. The longer version is taught in retreats or in person. The set up itself is very affirming and a way to gather transcendent energy in the practitioner.
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Processing & Dissolving Triggers Yoga Nidra
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Dissolving Your Triggers Yoga Nidra
This Yoga Nidra was recorded live at Steam House Hot Yoga 75 Railroad Ave., Epping NH USA on Oct 18, 2021 by Melissa Abbott with Heidi James on the Singing Bowls.
This Yoga Nidra is a powerful technique to Process those things keeping you from being in the Flow of the Universe
A powerful foundational Tantric Yoga Meditation Practice taken from the illuminated 1000+ year old spiritual masterpiece, "The Pratyabhijna-Hrdraya" also known as The Recognition Sutras. In the Recognition Sutras or The Heart of Recognition, the author, Rajanaka Ksemaraja, gives us useful and practical ways to embrace the whole of our experience of the expanded center, so we can release and surrender our identification with our psychological self, our unresolved past, stories we tell ourselves, mental constructs, and samskaras. Those things that get us triggered and stuck with revolving mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual patterns. In essence this we can move on from our conditioning and touch more deeply within ourselves.
This meditation became alive for me a couple of years ago when I took a Recognition Sutras course with Christopher Hareesh Wallis. I had actually been interested and studied this text on and off since 1991. It wasn't until his translation of the actual practices in Chapter 18 that this text spoke so clearly to my actual meditation practice. I started implementing the expanded central channel into my daily meditation sessions and the result has been stunning clarity to embrace the whole of reality.
I first received this practice in July 2019 with Christopher Hareesh Wallis at Omega Institute for Holistic Studies during retreat.
This is my interpretation of his teachings via Ksemaraja of 1000 years ago. I hope you will experience that the radical acceptance to the nature of reality means surrender to what wants to move though you. This practice has the ability to help you relax out of identification with your stories and patterns and stop clinging to aversions and self images.
Christopher Hareesh Wallis is the author of Tantra Illuminated and The Recognition Sutras and his website is where you can study Tantric Yoga meditation practices.
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Awakened Awareness Yoga Nidra Immersion
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Awakened Awareness
Yoga Nidra Immersion with Sound Bath
Recorded Live at Steam House Hot Yoga in Epping, NH USA
by Melissa Abbott after a Power Vinyasa Class on Sept 11, 2021 with Heidi James on soundscape singing bowls.
This Yoga Nidra was designed to awaken the inner consciousness. Mind/emotions/senses/thinking are here one moment and gone the next, they are ephemeral in nature. They arise and subside in a greater space of Self Awareness which is something far more fundamental than any ideas you might have about yourself. Having the realization that Awareness is not something that you do, but rather something that you Are, is a awakening of witness consciousness, a major step in personal evolution.
Make yourself comfortable, lying on your back with a natural fiber shawl covering you to contain the meditation energy. Headphones are recommended. Enjoy ❤️🙏🧘♀️ A Simple but Powerful Practice
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Knower, Knowing, Known Fire Wheel Yoga Nidra Immersion
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Tuesday Oct 05, 2021
Knower, Knowing, Known
Fire Wheel Yoga Nidra Immersion
Singing Bowl Sound Bath
Recorded Live at Steam House Hot Yoga & Pilates Monday Oct. 4, 2021 by Melissa Abbott with Heidi James on Singing Bowls after a Hot Power Vinyasa Class while in Savasana.
This Yoga Nidra is a beautiful Heart Based Meditation activating the Lunar Left Ida Nadi (relating to inhalation and objects of awareness) , the Central Sushumna Nadi (pure essence nature and Fire), and the Right Solar Pingala Nadi (relating to the exhale and the act of cognition) in a Caduceus meeting point at the base of the heart where all sense merge together in the knower, Knowing and known creating an intensification/ vibration of life energy transforming into a nourishing radiant wheel of Fire where knowing whatever you perceive you are.
Best Practice is to lie or sit quietly, observing yourself, listen to the sound of my voice, headphones are great, relax and enjoy this guided Yoga Nidra
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Full Harvest Moon Tattva Bhavana Yoga Nidra
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Full Harvest MoonTattva Bhavana Yoga Nidra Immersion with Gentle Singing Bowl Sound Bath
Recorded live Sept 20, 2021 at Steam House Hot Yoga & Pilates by Melissa Abbott after a Hot Power Vinyasa Class.
In the 1000 year old Non Dual Shaiva Tantra Tradition of the great Trika Masters of Kashmir such as Abinavagupta and Keshmaharaj the Tattva Bhavana is a go-to expanded awareness meditation practice. Tattva means feeling into what is and Bhavana means feeling so in this mecitation you feel into what is happening naturally in your field of awareness consciousness.
Lie quietly and headphones are nice to use. You will be guided to a Yogic Sleep. Try to remain still, listening to the sound of my voice. Enjoy ❤️
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Reiki Gassho Yoga Nidra Immersion
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Reiki Gassho Yoga Nidra Immersion
Welcome to a Reiki Gassho Immersive Experience. It begins Now. Honoring and Strengthening Ourselves in the Eternal Unfolding of Now
This is the secret art of inviting happiness,
The miraculous medicine for all diseases.
At least for today:
Do not be angry,
Do not worry,
Be grateful,
Work with honesty,
Be kind to people.
Every morning and evening, immerse yourself in this meditation and connect with your heart/mind.
Recorded Live at Steam House Hot Yoga and Pilates in Epping NH Mon Sept 13, 2021 by Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho Master Melissa Abbott
Thursday Sep 09, 2021
Healing New Moon Meditation - Luminous Heart Flower
Thursday Sep 09, 2021
Thursday Sep 09, 2021
Healing New Moon Meditation
Luminous Heart Flower with Sound Bath
Recorded Live New Moon Sept 9, 2021 after a morning Hot Vinyasa by Melissa Abbott
This meditation can be done either laying down or sitting up and headphones are great. Enjoy and Relax into Pure Embodied Presence.
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
Clear Consciousness, Light, Space, & Sky
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
Clear Consciousness, Light, Space, & Sky Yoga Nidra Immersion
Recorded Live at
by Melissa Abbott after a Hot Flow Vinyasa Class using a background soundscape of Singing Bowls, deepening the yogic sleep meditation experience.
In this Yoga Nidra you will be digesting, releasing and surrendering identification with the psychological self, unresolved past, mental constructs and patterns. Connecting to the Clarity of your own Consciousness which is untainted noted by your mind, your physical body, or your emotional feelings. This Yoga Nidra has a very Zen quality to its sequence. Best Practice: Lie quietly, listening with headphones. Enjoy!