Meditation & Yoga with Melissa Abbott
Experience Sacred and Embodied Journeys within with Melissa Abbott. Yoga Nidras, Non Dual Shaiva Tantra Meditations, 21 Tara Practices, Dakini Dakini Practices with healing singing bowl soundbath with Tambura. Designed to empower the feminine, connect to your pure potentiality, clear your consciousness, process, protect, increase longevity, heal from within, connection, vitality, improve sleep and wellbeing. Using age old visionary meditation techniques from Shaiva Tantra, Yogini, Dakini, Vrajayana Buddhist Sources.
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Merging into the Whole Field of Awareness Yoga Nidra
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Merging into the Whole Field of Awareness Yoga Nidra
with Melissa Abbott
Cultivating awareness of your own inner consciousness or rather the Awareness of your Awareness is a foundational Tantric Yoga Meditation Practice and Technique. In this guided Yoga Nidra, you will center yourself within your own vibrating consciousness. Release, Rejuvenate, Relax, and Refresh. Lie quietly, merging yourself in this guided session. Enjoy!
Melissa Abbott Yoga & Meditation Podcast is available on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, and Youtube.
Please leave a review.
Kind regards, Melissa
Monday Dec 30, 2019
New Years Yoga Nidra - The Gifts of Wisdom & Strength 2020
Monday Dec 30, 2019
Monday Dec 30, 2019
New Year Yoga Nidra - The Gifts of Wisdom & Strength 2020
Receive the Gifts of Wisdom & Strength for the New Year, New Decade, & New Dawn. Create your Intentions for the New Year 2020 as we welcome in 2020 creating transformation and healing within yourself. Tools for your to use in the coming months.
This 18 min Yoga Nidra Meditation is perfect to use as we step into the next decade.
Prayer for Pure Motive
May I practice out of love for myself, with a desire to know the truth, for the benefit of all beings.
Melissa Abbott Yoga & Meditation Podcast is available on Spotify, YouTube, iTunes, and Podbean
Thank you for listening in 2019. The were 29 Visionary Tantric Yoga Meditations and Yoga Nidras creating this last year. Looking onward to bring you more content in the upcoming year.
Thursday Dec 19, 2019
Thursday Dec 19, 2019
Winter Solstice Yoga Nidra - Surrender Inwards and Plant the Seeds for the New Decade
Welcome to this 15 min Winter Solstice Yoga Nidra where you can release what no longer serves you. A time of focused rebirth and renewal where we can honor the turning point for the New Year 2020 and the New Decade. A time for healing, transformation and blessings. A time for inner listening, in the calm inner stillness, on the shortest day of the year. Celebrate the gradual return of the light, and a conscious beginning of a new stage in your awareness and life.
Melissa Abbott Yoga & Meditation is available on Spotify, iTunes, YouTube and Podbean. Please support by leaving a rating and review.
it is my pleasure and privilege to lead you through the Winter Solstice Yoga Nidra.
Kind regards, Melissa
Thursday Dec 12, 2019
Yoga Nidra Meditation on the Pulsation of Consciousness
Thursday Dec 12, 2019
Thursday Dec 12, 2019
Yhis Yoga Nidra Full Moon Meditation on the Pulsation of Consciousness Recorded Live at Steam House Hot Yoga & Pilates Epping NH on Dec 9, 2019 after a Hot Vinyasa Class led by Melissa Abbott.
This 15 minute Yoga Nidra meditation is based on the Spanda Karikas verses 30-34 written in 800 CE by the sage Vasugupta. Spanda in Sanskrit means the Devine Creative Pulsation of Consciousness and Karikas means a collection of verses. This collection of verses from over 1000 years ago bring the wisdom of Shaiva Tantra Meditation to modern life. This Yoga Nidra takes us to the deep relaxation that we slip into when we connect with our own inner pulsating creative awareness. These Yoga Nidra Meditations happen weekly on Monday Nights, 75 Railroad Ave., Epping NH
Melissa Abbott Yoga & Meditation Podcast is available for Free on Spotify, ITunes, YouTube and Podbean. Please support this work by leaving a rating and review.
Thank you for listening,
Melissa Abbott
Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
Tuesday Nov 26, 2019
Keep the Gratitude Flowing Yoga Nidra - Unblocking Triggers, Patterns, or Stories to facilitate the Flow of Gratitude in your Being!
Recorded Live at Steam House Hot Yoga & Pilates on the evening of November 25, 2019 after a Hot Vinyasa Class by Melissa Abbott
After a beautiful, themed Hot Vinyasa Flow Class for Thanksgiving week, we had a 15 minute Yoga Nidra Meditation where we worked to unblock any triggers, patterns, or stories you may have that blocks the flow of gratitude in your heart.
Practicing Gratitude and being grateful are keys to a happier life. Grace and Gratitude will make the hard stuff bearable and the good stuff even sweeter. It is known that gratitude can change everything.
Melissa Abbott Yoga & Meditation Podcast is available on Spotify, iTunes, Youtube, and Podbean. Please support by leaving feedback and a rating. Thank-you for your support and for listening.
Kind Regards, Melissa
Friday Nov 15, 2019
Friday Nov 15, 2019
Transforming the Energy of the Mind, Shakta Upaya Yoga Nidra
In this Yoga Nidra Session we are practicing a technique called "Shakta Upaya", using the power of the mind to transform the mind. This 1000 year old meditation technique comes from the Shaiva Tantra tradition of Kashmir. Shakta Upaya consisted of purifying the mind to replace misaligned stories, patterns, and triggers with aligned ones. Our emotional states are often linked to subconscious thought patterns. In Sanskrit, these thought patterns are called Vikalpas. Vikalpas are the stories, patterns, and triggers we look to overcome. In this Yoga Nidra Immersion session we are using the power of our own mind to overcome our patterns and stories. This turns the mind from outward turning limited filter for experience into an engine for experiencing our own innate energy of divinity. In a sense we use the mind to stop chasing the mind. Coaxing our mind to think pure thoughts that create clusters of neurons in our brains to reframe the mind. We introduce the pure thought "I am a Beautiful & Loving Person" in this Yoga Nidra.
In the Yogic Tradition, Yoga Nidra is known to restore and cool down the body after a Hatha Yoga Session where it activates the nervous system to absorb the physical asanas. It is also known to improve sleep, good for chronic pain, grief, deep relaxation, PTSD, alleviates anxiety, improves depression, lowers cholesterol, blood pressure, heart rate, and developed mental willpower bringing joy and well being to practitioners.
Melissa Abbott Yoga & Meditation Podcasts explore Tantric Yoga Imaginative and Visionary Meditation Techniques from Shaiva Tantra.
Available on Spotify, Podbean, iTunes, and Youtube. Please support this work by leaving a rating and review.
Thank you, Melissa
Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
History of Hatha Yoga Lecture by Melissa Abbott
Live at Barkan Level 2-3 Yoga Teacher Training Oct 23, 2019 Ft Lauderdale FL
Barkan Hot Vinyasa is a style of Hot Hatha Yoga made popular by Jimmy Barkan. It includes Vinyasa and Calcutta Style 26/2 Postures in various configurations. In this lecture we not only examine the roots of Hatha Yoga, we also examine the various streams of Hatha Yoga that came to the west in the 20th century.
This is the audio of a Lecture and Slideshow Presentation
Melissa Abbott is available to make this 2 hour Presentation with Slideshow at Yoga Teacher Trainings or Studio Workshops either in person or remotely. Please email
Monday Oct 14, 2019
Releasing Your Triggers Yoga Nidra
Monday Oct 14, 2019
Monday Oct 14, 2019
Releasing Your Triggers Yoga Nidra Was recorded Monday October 14,2019 at Steam House Hot Yoga & Pilates after a Hot Vinyasa Class by Melissa Abbott.
Part of this meditation comes from the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra, a thousand year old compendium of specialized meditation techniques. Releasing your triggers, stories, mental and emotional patterns and dissolving them in the inner heart fire 🔥 has been used by Monks, Saints, Holy Men & Women, Siddhas, and Meditators for generations. It comes from the tradition of Shaiva Tantra of Kashmir.
Melissa Abbott Yoga & Meditation Podcasts are available for free on Podbean, Spotify, YouTube, and iTunes. Please subscribe and leave a review.
Monday Oct 07, 2019
Light Space Sky Yoga Nidra LIVE at Steam House Hot Yoga
Monday Oct 07, 2019
Monday Oct 07, 2019
Light Space Sky Yoga Nidra
LIVE at Steam House Hot Yoga & Pilates
by Melissa Abbott on Oct 7, 2019 after a Hot Flow Vinyasa Class. This 15 min Yoga Nidra is perfect to do after a Hatha Yoga Session or at anytime during the day or night when you need to let your body and brain relax.
Melissa Abbott is a Hot Core 26/2 Yoga Teacher in Southern NH and Northern MA who also practices Tantric Yoga Meditation, Barkan Hot Vinyasa and Vinyasa Flow at Steam House Hot Yoga & Pilates, 75 Railroad Ave., Epping NH and Blue Yoga Group, 644 Humphrey St., Swampscott, MA.
Melissa Abbott Yoga & Meditation is available on iTunes, Spotify, Podbean, and YouTube. Please subscribe and leave feedback. Check out Melissa's website at
To request information about History of Hatha Yoga Workshops (Lecture & Slideshow)for your studio or trainings or Tantric Yoga Meditation Workshops please email
Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
Three Bindu Yoga Nidra recorded Live at Steam House Hot Yoga
Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
Three Bindu Yoga Nidra recorded Live at Steam House Hot Yoga Sept 23, 2019 with Melissa Abbott as your guide.
The Three Bindu Meditation is a Trika Tantric Yoga Visionary Meditation used to activate the embodiment, life force energy, and awareness centers within the meditator.
This session was made after a Hot Vinyasa class, where the Yoga Nidra Savasana Meditation is used to calm the body and brain after an intense physical workout. The Three Bindus Meditation is usually a longer more involved session given in a seated position. This practice was modified for a simple Yoga Nidra which will leave the student refreshed, enlivened, and relaxed.
Three Bindu Meditation is a powerful healing practice that can be used in timing to the moon. In standard Tantric practice this is used the day or evening before the full moon or can be used at anytime to awaken your primary energy centers Head, Heart and Gut. You can use this as an opportunity or doorway to deepen or intensify your own expanded awareness using the liminal or twilight state of Yoga Nidra Meditation helping you to repose in your true essence nature. Our essence nature is one Bindu, one Universal Consciousness but can refract through the prism of our bodily awareness to Three Bindus or primary points of awareness.
Upcoming Workshop with Melissa Abbott:
"Back to Yoga School" The History of Hatha Yoga at Blaze Hot Yoga, 800 Islington St., Portsmouth NH - Saturday September 28, 2019 12:30-2pm Slideshow of the Roots and Beginnings of Hatha Yoga from early Ascetics, Tantras, Early Classical Writings to Modern Day Postural Yoga in the West. How did Hatha Yoga begin and why? How did it get to the West? What are the connections and relationships. We will end the workshop with a classic Visionary Tantric Yoga Meditation using some early yogic techniques using the breath and mantra from the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra. A 1000 year old Tantric meditation manual. This practice will help you connect the dots to early practices to your own present you practice. sign up: .
Melissa Abbott Yoga & Meditation Podcasts are available on Spotify, Podbean, YouTube, and iTunes. Please subscribe and leave a review or comment. Check out: