Meditation & Yoga with Melissa Abbott
Experience Sacred and Embodied Journeys within with Melissa Abbott. Yoga Nidras, Non Dual Shaiva Tantra Meditations, 21 Tara Practices, Dakini Dakini Practices with healing singing bowl soundbath with Tambura. Designed to empower the feminine, connect to your pure potentiality, clear your consciousness, process, protect, increase longevity, heal from within, connection, vitality, improve sleep and wellbeing. Using age old visionary meditation techniques from Shaiva Tantra, Yogini, Dakini, Vrajayana Buddhist Sources.
![LIVE from Steam House Hot Yoga "Limitless Clarity Yoga Nidra" Meditation](
Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
LIVE from Steam House Hot Yoga "Limitless Clarity Yoga Nidra" Meditation
Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
LIVE from Steam House Hot Yoga & Pilates in Epping NH "Limitless Clarity Yoga Nidra" Meditation. Recorded after a Monday Evening Hot Vinyasa Class on Sept 16, 2019 by Melissa Abbott. Steam House Hot Yoga & Pilates has a Yoga Nidra Session every Monday Night after the 4:30pm 60 min Hot Vinyasa Class.
Yoga Nidra Meditation is the perfect way to end an intense Vinyasa Workout as it allows your body and brain to normalize and cool down. It works on the subconscious mind/body connection with your nervous system to process your feelings, thoughts, and emotions to heal within and develop mental willpower, improving your ability to be emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually centered, thus restoring wellbeing.
You can practice this Yoga Nidra anytime during the day or night when you have 15 minutes available to meditate. It is especially good before bedtime or anytime you want to wind down.
Please enjoy this live session and if you live in the Northern Ma, NH, or ME area please come to class. You can find more of Melissa Abbott Yoga & Meditation Podcasts
Melissa Abbott's Visionary Tantric Meditation & Yoga Nidra Podcasts are available on: Podbean, YouTube, Spotify, and iTunes. Please subscribe and leave a review.
![Vast Unbounded Awareness Within Yoga Nidra](
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Vast Unbounded Awareness Within Yoga Nidra
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Join me in experiencing the "Vast Unbounded Awareness Within Yoga Nidra" during this podcast.
The Practice of Yoga Nidra is a practice of Yogic Sleep that will guide you to a place between wakefulness and sleeping. Listen to the sound of my voice and completely relax becoming aware of your breath in an easeful and gentle manner as you are guided within experiencing your own vast energy awareness.
Join me weekly:
LIVE Yoga Nidra Session after a 60 minute Barkan Hot Vinyasa Class at Steam House Hot Yoga & Pilates in Epping New Hampshire, Monday Nights @4:30pm-5:45pm - check out the Mindbody App for my other weekly classes @
I would like to invite you to:
"BACK TO YOGA SCHOOL WORKSHOP" Sept 28, 2019 12:30-2pm @ Blaze Hot Yoga & Pilates in Portsmouth, NH
So excited to be offering this History of Hatha Yoga Workshop to you, especially all Yoga Teachers & Students There are a lot of new translations and research done on early Hatha Yoga beginnings, especially in the last couple of years. We will discuss Dattatreyashastra ( early Ascetic ), Hatha Yoga Pradipka, Shri Tattva Nidhi and Yoga Karuntika ( Mysore Lineage), Gorakshanath and Nath lineages from Bengal and how these early documents of Hatha Yoga influenced what streams of yoga came to the West including Calcutta Lineage, Krishnamacharya ( Mysore School ), Sivananda of Rikkikesh and his students who came to the West. What postures/asanas came from where and how they have evolved. Wouldn’t you like to know where some of your favorite postures originated? How have the Hatha Yoga traditions evolved from Early Tantra to the various streams that of how Hatha Yoga came to the West during the last 120 years. We will have a Slideshow presentation and finalize the session with a Tantric Yoga Meditation from the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra, a 1000 year old compendium of meditation instructions from Shaiva Tantra which influenced what we know as Hatha Yoga today. You will leave the workshop with a sense of History and Connection to your own present practice.
Thank you for listening to Melissa Abbott Yoga & Meditation Podcasts. Please subscribe and leave a comment on these Visionary Tantric Yoga and Yoga Nidra podcasts. They are available freely on Podbean, iTunes, Spotify, and YouTube.
Namaste, Melissa
![Meditation & Teaching of Verses 22-24 Vijnana Bhairava Tantra Expanded Awareness Meditation with Ham Sah Mantra & Easy Kumbaka Breath Retention](
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
Thursday Aug 15, 2019
Meditation & Teaching of Verses 22-24 Vijnana Bhairava Tantra Expanded Awareness Meditation with Ham Sah Mantra & Easy Kumbaka Breath Retention
Today we are doing a bit of a longer seated integrated meditation and teaching from The Vijnana Bhairava Tantra Verses 22-24, Expanding Awareness using the Natural Mantra Ham and Sah (the natural sound of the Breath) and combining with a very gentle breath retention technique called Kumbaka. This integrated Visualization, Mantra, and a Breathing Technique that can deepen your meditation practice to more expanded states of consciousness.
This practice is well known amongst many past Sages, Saints, and Masters who have used this practice with great love and success and because of this it is known as a "go to" practice and because so many evolved and awakened masters have used this practice, it is known to have enlivened or awakened energy which isn't in your run of the mill mindfulness meditation practices.
Sept 28 12:30-2pm Blaze Hot Yoga & Pilates, 800 Islington St., Portsmouth, NH - to sign up: - BACK TO YOGA SCHOOL with Melissa Abbott featuring a Slideshow illustrating the Roots of Tantra and Classical Hatha Yoga to present day Contemporary Hatha Yoga in North America. Have you ever wondered How did Yoga begin? We will explore the how, when, where, and why of Hatha Yoga and its Tantric connections and then we will trace the various streams of how Hatha Yoga came to the West during the last 120 years. We will include a Guided Tantric Yoga Meditation from the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra, a thousand year old compendium od Meditation Instructions from Kashmir Shaivism which influenced in may ways what we know now as Hatha Yoga. You will leave the Workshop with a sense of History and Connection to your own present Practice.
Check Out my teaching schedule at Steam House Hot Yoga & Pilates, 75 Railroad Ave., Epping, NH You may want to catch my Barkan Hot Vinyasa Class with a LIVE Yoga Nidra Session EVERY MONDAY NIGHT 4:30pm-5:45pm and visit the website for my other classes.
Please leave subscribe, leave feedback and a rating on my podcasts which are available on Spotify, Youtube, iTunes, and Podbean.
Namaste, Melissa Abbott
![LIVE Point of Light Yoga Nidra at Steam House Hot Yoga & Pilates, Epping NH](
Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
LIVE Point of Light Yoga Nidra at Steam House Hot Yoga & Pilates, Epping NH
Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
This short and powerful Point of Light Yoga Nidra was recorded live at Steam House Hot Yoga & Pilates, 75 Railroad Ave., Epping NH after Melissa Abbott's Barkan Style Hot Vinyasa Class on Aug. 5, 2019. Every Monday Night at the 4:30pm Class there is a 15 minute Yoga Nidra in Savasana after class. There are different imaginary and visionary Yoga Nidra Meditations every week. To find out more information or to book a class: New Student Special $30 for 30 days.
Yoga Nidra is particularly effective after a Hatha Yoga Class, although it can be done at any time of day or night. In the Yoga Tradition, it issued to restore and cool down the body after an intense Yoga Session and ensures the body can absorb the benefits of the yoga asanas.
Yoga Nidra promotes deep relaxation and rest that isn't found in your average meditation practice. During a Hatha Yoga class, the students activate their life force energy of Prana Shakti in the postures. A long deep guided Savasana style Yoga Nidra increases the benefits of a Hatha Yoga session. Yoga Nidra is known to activate the relaxation response and improve the functions of the nervous and endocrine systems in the body. A Yoga Nidra session promotes the repair and regeneration, relieving muscular, mental, and emotional tension decreasing anxiety and improving mood, sleep, and life. It is known to enhance memory, creativity, improve sleeping patterns, and cultivates positive body awareness restructuring the Mind/Body/Spirit balance within. It is used extensively for chronic pain, grief, anger, PTSD, and deep relaxation. Very good for blood pressure, lowering cholesterol, improving heart rate and levels of of adrenaline and cortisol. Yoga Nidra develops focus and mental willpower and brings inner peace, joy, and well being to practitioners.
Before doing this meditation, make sure to lie down on a bed, couch, or yoga mat on the floor. You may place a soft pillow under your bent knees on under your head to make yourself as comfortable as possible. It is best that you remain completely still during the entire Yoga Nidra session but if for some reason you need to adjust something to make yourself more comfortable feel free to do so. The important thing is that you are able to let yourself completely relax during the session. Some people place and eye pillow over their eyes or make sure to wrap a blanket or shawl over themselves, not only to keep warm but to contain the mediation energy or Shakti during the session.
It is my pleasure and privilege to lead you through the Yoga Nidra Session. You can find more Visionary and Imaginative Yoga Nidra and Tantric Yoga Style Meditations at Melissa Abbott Yoga & Meditations available on Spotify, iTunes, YouTube, or Podbean. Please leave a review, subscribe, and rate the podcast. If you have any questions or concerns email . Thank you for listening.
Many Kind Regards,
Melissa Abbott
![Expanded Golden Pillar Meditation Dissolving Your Triggers](
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Expanded Golden Pillar Meditation Dissolving Your Triggers
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Expanded Golden Pillar Meditation Dissolving Your Triggers
A powerful foundational Tantric Yoga Meditation Practice taken from the illuminated 1000+ year old spiritual masterpiece, "The Pratyabhijna-Hrdraya" also known as The Recognition Sutras. In the Recognition Sutras or The Heart of Recognition, the author, Rajanaka Ksemaraja, gives us useful and practical ways to embrace the whole of our experience of the expanded center, so we can release and surrender our identification with our psychological self, our unresolved past, stories we tell ourselves, mental constructs, and samskaras. Those things that get us triggered and stuck with revolving mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual patterns. In essence this we can move on from our conditioning and touch more deeply within ourselves.
This meditation became alive for me a couple of years ago when I took a Recognition Sutras course with Christopher Hareesh Wallis. I had actually been interested and studied this text on and off since 1991. It wasn't until his translation of the actual practices in Chapter 18 that this text spoke so clearly to my actual meditation practice. I started implementing them into my daily meditation sessions and the result has been stunning clarity to embrace the whole of reality.
Recently, While on retreating July 2019 with Christopher Hareesh Wallis at Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, we worked with this Meditation practice. This is my interpretation of his teachings via Ksemaraja of 1000 years ago. I hope you will experience that the radical acceptance to the nature of reality means surrender to what wants to move though you. This practice has the ability to help you relax out of identification with your stories and patterns and stop clinging to aversions and self images.
Christopher Hareesh Wallis is the author of Tantra Illuminated and The Recognition Sutras.
![Settling the Prana Shakti in Your Body - Surrendering into the Experience of Now Meditation](
Tuesday Jul 23, 2019
Tuesday Jul 23, 2019
Settling the Prana Shakti in Your Body Meditation is a way to Surrender in the Experience of Now. This is a foundational Tantric Yoga Meditation Practice to get you ready for deeper states of Meditation. It is very important to be able to settle your life force energy in your body to further your practices and exploration of Tantric Yoga Meditation.
This Meditation was recently taught by Christopher Wallis at a recent Shaiva Tantra for Daily Life Retreat at Omega Institute for Holistic Studies during July of 2019. He urged his students there to practice this form of meditation as a basic practice at that time. This is my interpretation of his teaching.
In the early 1990's, I saw a book in a bookstore called "The Doctrine of Vibration: An Analysis of the Doctrines and Practices associated with Kashmir Shaivism (SUNY series in the Shaiva Traditions of Kashmir)" by Mark Dyczkowski.
I had been at one time fascinated by the song "Good Vibrations" by the Beach Boys and I had seen the Star Wars Movie by George Lucas where the main characters all had some kind of "Force Within" some kind of Vibrational Awareness. At the time, I thought to myself, WOW, there is even an ancient doctrine of Vibration, scriptures or Tantras written over a 1000+ years ago describing the study of Vibrations. This study is a type of Inner Yoga, a Meditation Yoga. Those teachers had names like Upaldeva, Abinavagupta, and Keshmaharaj. That is when my study and fascination with all things Tantra, Shaiva Tantra or Kashmir Shaivism. I read books by Lakshman Too, Paul Mueller-Ortega, and Douglas Brooks. I was even able to take some courses with the latter two professors. The translations for many of the Tantras of interest such as the Vijnana Bhairava, The Recognition Sutras, the Spanda Karikas, Shiva Sutras, and the Tantraloka left a lot to be desired and were very poorly done.
Fast forward to about 5 years ago when a teacher I knew named Christopher Hareesh Wallis a Phd Sanskrit authority and practitioner wrote a book called Tantra Illuminated and a couple years later a fantastic translation of the Recognition Sutras where he was able to translate the practices in a way that made them come very alive and vital for todays meditation practitioner. These practices are a gold mine of Inner Revelation and detail specific Meditation Practices and Strategies for NonDual Shaiva Tantra. I had taken some online courses with Christopher in the past couple of years and had been practicing many of the Tantric Yoga Meditation Sequences in the Vijnana Bhairava and Recognition Sutras with a lot of success. Absolutely beautiful practices that are just not very well known yet. Being a Hatha Yoga Teacher, I am thrilled to practice the inner postures as a way to take yoga beyond the Mat.
This is why I am doing this podcast, to preserve, detail, and practice some of the Tantric Yoga Meditation practices I have learned and loved. Here is a beautiful basic short Foundational Practice. I hope it bears fruit for you as it has done for me.
You can find Melissa Abbott Yoga & Meditation Podcast on YouTube, Podbean, Spotify, and iTunes Podcasts.
Namaste, Melissa Abbott
![Energy Circuit Meditation](
Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
Energy Circuit Meditation
Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
Today we will be practicing a short seated Energy Circuit Meditation technique. Designed to be balancing and nourishing, activating your subtle prana shakti energy body. Especially good for headaches, sleeplessness, restlessness, anxiety or whenever you need to balance your energy during the day.
This meditation opens specific channels in your subtle body to direct your unfocused energy into a relaxed, uplifted, nurtured, and steadied energy body, helping you to repair your cells and restructure your Mind, Body, Spirit Balance within.
Find a quiet seated position in a place you will not be disturbed for 10-12 minutes. You can sit on the floor or a chair, you could even do this in your parked car between appointments if needed. Use your headphones and work to relax as much as possible as you use this Tantric Yoga Visualization Technique to revitalize yourself. In this meditation we have added optional mantra and uddiya bandha techniques to the practice to further the entrainment of the process during meditation. Use what you are comfortable with and leave the rest behind. The Energy Circuit Meditation will uplift and activate your subtle pranic energies leading to a balanced state of consciousness. This meditation can be done several times a week or whenever you feel the calling to do it.
Originally taken from the Tantric Yoga for Daily Life Retreat I attended with Christopher Hareesh Wallis at Omega Institute of Holistic Studies in Reinbrook NY during July of 2019.
Melissa Abbott Yoga & Meditation Podcast is available on YouTube, Spotify, Podbean, and iTunes. Please Subscribe and leave a review. Enjoy. Gratitude
![Overcoming Intense Thoughts, Feelings, & Emotions Yoga Nidra](
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
Overcoming Intense Thoughts, Feelings, & Emotions Yoga Nidra
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
In this podcast we will be practicing a Yoga Nidra to help in Overcoming Intense Thoughts, Feelings, & Emotions. This could include any intense feeling such as jealousy, anger, grief, envy, hatred, sadness, anxiety, and revenge. This technique will work on your subconscious mind/body connection with your nervous system to process intense feelings, thoughts, emotions. When you process in this way, your thoughts and emotions have the space to heal and develop mental will power improving the ability to be emotionally stable increasing a sense of self worth, restoring well being.
Yoga Nidra is a powerful technique best used after a Hatha Yoga Session or at the end of a long day to improve sleep, chronic pain, deep relaxation, PTSD, anxiety, depression, heals grief and anger, develops mental will power and emotional stability bringing joy and well being to practitioners.
![Birthday Bliss Yoga Nidra Meditation](
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Birthday Bliss Yoga Nidra Meditation
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Welcome to the Birthday Bliss Yoga Nidra Podcast with Melissa Abbott. In this podcast we explore our deepest inner screen of consciousness with effortless awareness during a gentle session in the hypnogogic state between sleeping and wakefulness. Yoga Nidra is known to create a deep relaxation within that boosts wellness, immunity, improves depression, chronic pain, PTSD, calms the nervous system, develops mental will power, joy, and wellbeing. For those of you who work on deep patterning of your consciousness, Yoga Nidra is known to heal grief, anger, and helps you to become more emotionally stable.
Yoga Nidra can be done at anytime you have a small block of time to relax, perhaps after lunch before a nap, after a strenuous Hatha Yoga Session, or at bedtime. It ensures activation of the nervous system and helps your body completely relax and heal within.
This Yoga Nidra was created in June 2019 for after a Barkan Hot Vinyasa Class at Steam House Hot Yoga and Pilates in Epping NH where I teach Hot Hatha Yoga around the time of my birthday. I share this with you, that you may do it on your own birthday or any day, as everyday is the first day of the rest of our lives. Rest, Recover, Renew, Rejuevenate, and Transform with a restructuring Yoga Nidra Session.
Melissa Abbott Yoga and Meditation Podcasts are available on Spotify, iTunes, Podbean, and YouTube. Gratitude to You for leaving a comment or review. Much Love
![Luminous Inner Brilliance Yoga Nidra Meditation](
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Luminous Inner Brilliance Yoga Nidra Meditation
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Thursday Jun 20, 2019
Experience the Luminous Inner Brilliance Yoga Nidra Meditation Session with Melissa Abbott. You may practice this anytime during your day as a meditation practice, perhaps after lunch or in the afternoon to refocus your inner awareness. It is best practiced after a Hatha Yoga Session or before Bedtime. At those times your body will be able to completely relax so the transformative and healing benefits of Yoga Nidra can take root in the best possible way.
This particular Yoga Nidra was developed for an after a Monday Night Hot Yoga Vinyasa Class in June 2019 at Steam House Hot Yoga and Pilates in Epping New Hampshire where I teach Yoga. Students have found it to be very beneficial relieving muscular, mental, and emotional tension such as stress and anxiety. It stimulates better sleep, enhances memory, creativity, and energy levels. Known to heal imbalances in the endocrine system, cultivation positive body awareness and restructuring Mind/Body/Spirit Balance from the inside out.
Lying down in a comfortable and supported position, place a blanket over you to contain meditation energy and perhaps a pillow under your knees for support. Rest and Listen to the Yoga Nidra Podcast and the Sound of my Voice.